Thursday, October 2, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Haemorrhoids: Treatment without Pain

Are you suffering from haemorrhoids? Want to get a fast relief without any pain? There is a quick solution for you. It is Ziro System from Zenmed. The use of the cream and capsules can relieve you from haemorrhoids. Gone are the days of using moistened towels and sit baths. This particular cream and capsule works wonders in getting rid of haemorrhoids. It not only gives a fast relief but also prevents the problem from re-appearing in the future. The cream is meant for relief from pain and swelling of inflamed tissue. On the other hand, the capsule prevents from future flare-ups of this problem.

For an instant relief from haemorrhoids, use Zenmed's Ziro System and see  the results and how wonderfully it works. My grandfather was suffering from it a year back. We consulted doctors whereby medicines used to cure him for sometime but again the problem used to crop up in the future. Suddenly during those days of tension, I came across this particular product. I made an immediate move to buy it and today I have the first hand result with myself. My grandfather is absolutely cured. He is completely free from pain and also has an excellent digestive system.

Painless Relief from Haemorrhoids
Be it a mild, moderate or severe haemorrhoid, the usage of this product is surely going to benefit you. Besides relieving pain, it also helps in restoring the digestive system. The haemorrhoids relief cream calms the inflamed tissue, lubricates the sensitive passageways, repairs damaged tissue, makes the bowel movements normal, and also restores the normal blood flow to the ano-rectal area. This cream is made from the most effective healing root and plant extracts. It has got no side effects. 

The haemorrhoids capsule, made from herbal products, is easy to take. It softens your bowels, ensures regular bowel movements, makes you energetic and also prevents from future re-appearance of haemorrhoids. Our digestive system suffers due to irregular meals, too much of strain, insufficient water intake, and also lack of fibre. To get rid of all these problems, take this capsule and get the best result soon.

Lead a happy life by following this wonderful haemorrhoids treatment system.

Visit my blog Crystal Clear Skin for more articles on beauty, skin care and skin related disease.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Foods to Eat During Rosacea

With all the toxicities modern life brings, people should be more careful in watching their skin because they are more prone to disorders such as Rosacea. 

Rosacea is a skin condition that is characterized by flushed skin as well as reddish and purple blotches that continue to grow over time. If remained untreated, it will continue to result to pigmented skin with big red blotches caused by blotted blood vessels. 

It is very common to women and its advance stages are diagnosed when the patient reaches 30 and above. It is said that the causes of this skin condition us yet to be discovered. Experts say that there are so many factors that can trigger this and the severity of the condition depends on the genes and family history of the condition. 

Experts say that one of the probable causes of Rosacea is eating foods that may trigger it such as spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol and too much fatty foods. To those who are prone to developing Rosacea, they should consume the following foods on a regular basis: 

1. Fruits. Studies show that fruits are perfect for people who want to take good care of their skin. Aside from being an all-natural product, fruits are low in calories, rich in dietary fiber that helps boosts satiety, and satisfies a person’s sweet tooth without worrying about weight gain and storing fats which can affect the skin’s condition. Containing all the nutrients and vitamins it has, fruits are an ideal for maintaining good skin because it also aids in the prevention of vitamin deficiency, a rich source of dietary fiber and rich in folate. However, citrus fruits should be avoided because these are considered as offenders for Rosacea. 

2. Vegetables. Just like fruits, vegetables are also considered perfect foods for the skin. Aside from being low in calorie-content, high in dietary fiber, and full of dietary nutrients that help maintain efficient metabolism, veggies—in various preparations—also make good and appetizing snacks. Aside from being a rich source of important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B-complex micronutrients, vitamins C, E and K that combat vitamin deficiency, vegetables are also excellent sources of the protective plant micronutrient called “phytochemicals.” Having vegetables as diet food also lowers the risk of heart disease, cancers, and high blood pressure while protecting the body from having illnesses caused by muscle degeneration. 

3. Tofu. This is also good for avoiding Rosacea because it is packed with protein as well as cooling properties which can aid the redness of the skin. 

4. Meats. For people with Rosacea, lean chicken/turkey meats, and fish are also ideal food for the skin compared to red meats. This is because these are rich in protein, essential minerals and vitamins, and micronutrients for excellent metabolism and would veer away the storage of fats. 

5. Seaweed. This is one of the most suggested foods that people with Rosacea because it greatly helps in eliminating the dampness.  

6. Water. It is always best to drink up lots of water, ideally 10 to 12 glasses a day to ensure that you are well hydrated. This will also help wash out the impurities in the body. 

Foods That May Trigger Rosacea

People who are busy with their work are usually the ones who are prone to suffering skin disorders such as Rosacea. This is because the exhaustion and their hectic schedule keep them from maintaining healthy skin on a daily basis. If you are one of those who are having trouble to keep healthy skin due to too much work, it is now time to reflect what might be causing these and address it properly. 

Rosacea is a skin disorder that results to flushed skin. If remains undiagnosed, it will result to the appearance of purplish or reddish discoloration on the skin as well as the dark blotches due to permanent enlargements of small blood vessels. 

This is considered as among the most common skin disorders in the US. In fact, studies show that 1 out of 20 Americans are diagnosed to suffer from this skin disorder. Experts say that women are most prone to this skin condition and their overall appearance is greatly affected. 

Various cases of Rosacea show that people who are suffering from it, aside from extreme skin flushing, will eventually have enlarged and swollen nose which continues to turn red over time. 

Don’t trigger it !!!

Experts say that up until now, the exact cause or causes of Rosacea have been identified. Some studies show that the skin disorder can be caused by foods and unhealthy lifestyle. 

Experts also say that the best way to prevent it is to avoid foods that may trigger it. These are the foods that may trigger Rosacea: 

  • Foods that contain too much fat

Experts say that people are eating foods that have too much fat are prone to not sleeping well at night because it creates a lot of digesting work for the stomach. Lack of sleep, experts say, is one of the major reasons of developing skin disorder such as Rosacea. If you want to avoid developing any skin disorder, he or she should get better sleep by cutting down on foods that are too rich or fatty so there will be lesser work for the stomach especially at nighttime. 

  • Too much spicy or acidic foods

These sets of foods can very much trigger Rosacea because if one eats too many sets of spicy foods, it can lead to troubles in the stomach and even prickly skin.

  • Too much alcohol intake

Some people say that alcohol may help one to get better sleep or can relieve stress but it greatly affects the skin because it makes it dry. When the skin is dry, it is more prone to wrinkles and other skin conditions.

  • Foods that contain caffeine

These are another set of culprits for people who are having trouble in maintaining their skin care regimen and those who are prone to suffering to skin diseases such as Rosacea. If you are prone to this, it is best to avoid foods as well as drinks that have high caffeine content such as coffee, chocolates, sodas that are caffeinated as well as teas.

Rosacea: What You Need To Know When Dealing With It

There are a lot of skin problems in the world but is perhaps more unpredictable than rosacea. Even with more than 46 million people affected in the world, nobody knows how it starts and how it  can be cured. In fact some people who have rosacea do not even know that they have the skin problem because the symptoms are as regularly occurring as the symptoms of other diseases. 

Rosacea is characterized by the reddening of the skin on the areas of the nose, forehead, chin and cheeks. Watery eyes may also developed as well as the appearance of blood vessels on the skin. Some patients think that they just have sunburn or are just easily flushed. 

Usually these symptoms appear when triggers are present. Among the most common triggers are spicy food, exposure to sunlight and some skin products. Some people may also have to watch their diets since food products can be triggers too. Among those included in the list are meat products, veggies such as eggplants and beans, fruits like plums and of course, chocolate and other dairy products. Having all these as triggers of rosacea all the more complicates the problem. People cannot readily pinpoint which of these is triggering the problem. And without knowing the cause of their breakouts, they cannot hope to control them. 

Because no one knows just how rosacea starts, there are a lot of treatments available to manage the problem. Remember though that rosacea cannot be cured. It is a lifelong problem that people can only manage. In fact, people who stop medication or treatment suffer from relapse after a few months. One of the ways to manage it is to use topical and oral medicines.

Topical medicines are usually the first to be prescribed because they have proven to be effective and do not have many side effects. One of the most common is the erythromycin which is often being prescribed to people with acne problems. 

Oral medicines on the other hand should be taken carefully since they do have side effects especially with long term or prolonged use. Usually, if oral medications are effective, doctors prescribe them in combination with another treatment, often with laser treatments. Still, taking these oral medicines is closely monitored. Some medicines are not even recommended for prolonged use. There is a recommended number of months that it can be taken before it is exchanged with another form of treatmnent. 

There are also medical procedures that are being done for people with rosacea problems. One of those procedures is the vascular laser procedure and the intense pulsed light procedure. These machines seem to be currently two of the best treatments of rosacea because they penetrate the skin and eliminates the redness that ensues. Some people get to have those symptoms completely removed for a long period of time. Of course the condition will likely occur again but at least patients are given a period of reprieve. 

Another laser treatment being done for rosacea patients are with the use of CO2 lasers which removes excess tissues. The laser beam supposedly vaporize the tissue thus getting rid of the redness or at the very least, lessening the redness. 

Ballroom Dance - Clothing and Shoes To Wear

Dressing for ballroom dance is a lot like getting ready for the prom. You have to find the perfect dress (or suit and tux if you're a guy), perfect shoes, and coordinate your hair and makeup for a complete look. However, getting ready for an evening of ballroom dance is slightly more complex than dressing for the prom. While the concept is the same, a lot of factors need to be taken into consideration when choosing ballroom dance clothing and shoes. 

First of all, there is really no set dress code for ballroom dancing, which leaves you with the freedom to choose your attire to your comfort and practicality. Whether you are dancing a slow dance such as the waltz or an upbeat dance like the jive, you need to choose attire that you can move easily in and won't get tangled up around your partner. For example, consider choosing a dress made of silk; it flows easily and doesn't tangle.

Remember that although ballroom dancing is a formal and elite event, your dress doesn't have to be covered in heavy sequins, jewels, or feathers. Choose a dress with a moderate amount of accents, as overbearing decorations can easily get in the way and cause discomfort to both you and your partner. Fashion is definitely an important factor, but not as important as your level of comfort while dancing.

Choosing shoes for ballroom dancing are just as important as choosing the dress. However, the shoes you wear largely depend on what type of dance you will be performing. There are special shoes for jazz dances, jive dances, swing dances, etc. Therefore, advance preparation is the key for choosing the right shoes. Most ballroom dance shoes are lightweight - heavy-soled shoes can greatly obstruct your dancing and leave you with extremely sore feet. The maximum height for ladies' shoes is three inch heels, whereas men's shoes are around one and a half inches. 

Like choosing a dress, shoes for ballroom dancing should not be based on appearance alone. Again, you will have to jump, twirl, and kick in these shoes, so you need them to be comfortable and supportive of your feet. Most ballroom dance shoes are open-toed, although this may not be the best choice. This easily exposes your toes to be stepped on, so consider going with a close-toed shoe. If you find that the heel is too uncomfortable, you can purchase insoles designed specifically for women's high heel shoes. The last thing you want to do is damage your feet, legs, or back because your shoes did not fit properly. 

Finally, beware of shoes with tight back straps or are heavily decorated. This can cause undue rubbing on your feet, which in turn leads to nasty blisters. Shoes that are too busy could easily damage during dancing, so try to keep accents to a minimum when choosing your ballroom dance shoes. 

By following these tips to choosing your ballroom dance dress and shoes, you will not only be fashionable but comfortable - the most important factor in any type of dancing!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Best Health Drinks to Keep You Healthy

We have to take care of our bodies. To do that, we can exercise, eat a good diet and also consume some health drinks. Just like food, such refreshments have to be prepared and here a twp that you can try out at home. 

The first is green tea. Studies have shown that tea is healthier than coffee because it can help regulate your blood sugar and blood pressure, prevent certain cancers, fight plaque on your teeth, lower your cholesterol and slow down the aging process. 

To make green tea, you will need one tea bag and then put this either in the kettle filled with warm water or straight to the cup. After letting it stand for about 3 minutes or so, you can already drink it. If you want to add flavor to your tea, you can try adding sugar, honey and even a lemon wedge. 

The next drink is the fruit smoothie. The mixture itself is similar to making
milkshake but instead of the added calories, this is replaced with vitamins and nutrients. To do that, you have to buy some fruit, low fat yogurt, some crushed ice and water. All the ingredients are then mixed in the blended and when it is ready, this is poured into a tall glass. 

Aside from those you can make, there are those that can be poured straight from the container. These health drinks are your basic fruit juices and you can find these in different variations such as apple juice, grape juice, orange juice, pineapple juice and a lot more. 

Although these health drinks have certain benefits, you have to remember that these products are highly processed which means these are high in sugar. These will surely cause your blood sugar to go up and drinking too much of these may cause damage to your heart and kidney over time. 

There are also health drinks from vegetables which are better known as functional beverages. These are great to have since many of us don’t eat a salad daily. The only problem is that you get essential nutrients from various vegetables so you have to buy different products and take it alternately. 

The newest health drink is called the cell renewal formula because it is a combination of fruit and vegetable extracts mixed with herbs and other plant compounds. There are only a few of these products so far in the market and a few of these don’t taste that good so it takes time for someone to get used to it. 

Among all the different health drinks available, the one thing that is not included in this group is the energy drinks. If you read the ingredients on the label, these consists of artificial sweeteners, caffeine or ephedra and in some cases a combination of all three.

You have probably drank a few of these in the past and although they taste good, the reality is that it may replenish your electrolytes after a workout but it does not have give you any vitamins and nutrients which are good for your health. This does not mean you should give up drinking energy drinks but consume it in moderation. 

There is no doubt that health drinks are good for you otherwise doctors and other health experts will not recommend them. You can make this yourself or buy these from the store but before you bringing it to the checkout counter, take time to read what is written on the product label. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Common Fruits and their Health Benefits

Did you know that the fruits mentioned below are all helpful to the body in some or the other way. We eat them since we love their taste and this indirectly helps in fighting many diseases and also makes the body resistant to many diseases. Some of these fruits help us with vitamins and calcium.


Scientific name: litchi chinensis Sonn. (Sapindaccae)

The pulp of the litchi fruit contains a substanial amount of dietary fiber, vitamins and the polyphenol oligonal. Oligonal acts as a powerful antioxidant and helps improve blood flow in the organs. Litchi also promotes weight loss by improving insulin resistance.


Scientific nameCitrus Reticulata blanco (Rutaccae)

Orange is an excellent source of Vitamin C, averging 53.2mg per 100 g and a powerful antioxidant. The flavonoid rutin in the fruit helps strengthen capillaries.


Scientific namePonica granatum L. (Punicaceae/Lythraceae)

Pomegranate is an important reserve of vitamin B5 and calcium. Pomegranate improves blood flow to the heart and reduces the risk atherosclerosis by breaking down the plague build-up in the arteries.


Scientific namePrunus avium (L.) L. (Rosacea)

Cherry is a pigment rich fruit containing anthocyanin and the stable antioxidant melatonin. Anthocyanin reduces the risk of degenerative diseases caused by oxidative stress, and melatonin soothes the neurons in the brain, helping relieve insomnia and headache.


Scientific nameRubus idaeus (L.) (Rosacea)

Raspberries contain a substanial amount of manganese and magnesium. Manganese enables calcium absorption in the body and aids in the prevention of osteoporosis, and magnesium helps reduce the incidence of metabolic syndrome.


Scientific nameCitrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai (Cucurbitaceae)

Rich in electrolytes and high in water content, Watermelon is an excellent hydrator, helping to regulate body temperature and transport nutrients. The lycopene present in the fruit offers protection to the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.