Friday, November 17, 2017

Keeping Your Kids Safe in Playgrounds

Every parent must actively keep an eye on their children in the playground. It will not be difficult - they're still bothering you to watch them when they climb, jump and swings.

Check out the playgrounds where your children play. Look for hazards such as rusty or damaged racks and dangerous surfaces. Report all dangers to the school or the local authority that the playground sorts.

Teach children that it can be dangerous to push, puff or leap on the playground. 
Dress them appropriately to the playground. Remove necklaces, handbags, scarves or clothes with running nails that may cling to the play strings and stifle the child. Even helmets can be dangerous in the playground, so save them to the bikes.

Small children play differently than big children. It is important that suck kids have a separate play area and specially for children under five. Make sure children use age-matching playgrounds. Choose the right play area based on your child's age. There should be well-kept separate play areas for children under five.

For children who are learning to walk, the play area should have surfaces that are smooth and easy to walk on. If your child is reasonably good at lifting his head and can stand up with support (usually about 9 months of age), try the baby cheeks (bucket-shape).

Ensure that there are safe surfaces under and around the leg stands avoid playgrounds with non-shock absorbing surfaces such as asphalt, cement, grass, soil or gravel.

Recommended surface materials include: sand, pearl stone, wood shavings, bedding materials and rubber pavers. Rubber mats, synthetic grass and other artificial materials are also safe surfaces and require less maintenance.

The surface material must be at least 36 cm deep and extend at least 2 meters in all directions around the leg stands. Depending on the height of the racks, it may be necessary for the surface to go further than 2 meters.

For swings, make sure that the surfaces both front and back extend twice as far as the rock is high. So if the top of the rocking rack is 3 meters high, the surface must reach 3 meters.

Make sure that playgrounds are inspected and maintained by qualified persons

Check out the school and kindergarten to make sure they have age-old playgrounds with well-maintained playgrounds.

If there are any dangers on public playgrounds or playgrounds in the background, report immediately and do not let children use the equipment until it is safe.

Report all security hazards to the organization responsible for the site (eg school, authorities or the city council).

All the above information was provided by Uno for legeplads or outdoor playground equipment.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Fire Place or Patio Heaters

If you are considering outdoor warming, for example in the backyard, there are two options for how to do it. There are patio heaters or fireplaces and each has their own pros and cons and you should take the time to consider these advantages and disadvantages very carefully before making a final decision.

Pros and cons of fireplaces

As for fireplaces, it might surprise you that there are a variety of options to choose from. In fact, there are almost four kinds of fireplaces that you can buy, and these are stainless steel, fireplaces, copper, and finally gas-powered. Stainless steel fireplaces are excellent for those who want a style that is a bit more modern and looks smarter.

A bonfire table is a large table where the fireplace is located in the middle, so everyone can enjoy the heat from the fire. A car-shaped copper fireplace is another popular style, with the added benefit that it can be used for several purposes, as it is possible to fill it with ice and use it to keep the drinks cold in the summer heat. Gas fireplaces are practical as they can provide instant heat and fire and are ideal for those who prefer not to wait for the fire to reach its full intensity.

Is the size of the car important?

With fireplaces, the size of the vessel is all about it and it can be a drawback with fireplaces, as you have to look for fire vessels around 45 to 55 cm, as these are the right size for an average piece of firewood. If you choose a smaller fire tank, save the fire and then you do not get as much radiant heat from a smaller fireplace as you would expect from a larger one. One of the biggest disadvantages of owning a fireplace instead of a terrace heater is that you have to drain the fireplace for ash.

What about patio heaters?

The second choice when it comes to outdoor heaters is available in the form of terrace heaters. They are primarily designed for easy and safe use, and are mainly available in two variants, gas-powered and power-driven. Gas-powered terrace heaters can run on gas from mains or bottled gas. Gas-powered terrace heaters are usually free standing, while electric terrace heaters can either be free-standing or mounted on a wall or ceiling.

If you want to heat a smaller area, you can also shop for terrace heaters that can be placed on a table, and these are ideal as they are also easy to move with and less intrusive than the larger and free standing of the kind. For all the different types, except the wall mounted versions, make sure that your patio heater is equipped with a safety switch that turns off the heater once it reaches its intensity.

When comparing terrace heaters with fireplaces, I wanted to choose the terrace heaters or terrassevarme from SolaMagic, which is because they are safer, easier to move with, require less cleaning, and provide more value for money than a fireplace.